Apr 2019



Calculation of

Volume of Earth Unknown, unreachable, hence unexplored (so far)

      =  everything 7.6 miles below the average surface

Since sphere Volume  =  (4/3) π r3,      (r = radius)

 to compare the volume of the slightly smaller, Unknown sphere inside

to Earth’s entire volume, one only need consider the ratio between the two radii cubed: ¹

 – i.e: the radius of the entire Earth cubed vs. the cube of the Unknown radius:

Per the Earth’s SI radius of 3,959 miles:

3959 – 7.6  =  3951.4 , the radius of Earth’s interior Unknown

The respective volumes are thus proportional to the cube of each radius:

Total volume (T)  ∝ 3959 ³  =  62,052,103,079

and  Unknown volume (U)  ∝ 3951.4 ³  =  61,695,428,728.7

% Unknown is thus:

¹ (4/3) π in both numerator and denominator resolves to “1”